Accelerate access and opportunity for youth to discover their individual super power

We bring youth from underserved community closer to tech industry

Our programs offer teacher and student training with  tools that give students access to the hi-tech world. Our training covers cutting-edge AI, 3D Printing, and social impact technologies, supported by expert mentors and immersive tech company tours.

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Our Goals

Empowerment Through Education

To empower underserved youth by providing them with access to innovative training in hi-tech fields.

Promote Innovation

Encourage innovative thinking and problem-solving skills among students through hands-on training and exposure to cutting-edge technologies.

Expand Access

Increase access to technology education for underserved communities, breaking down barriers to entry and ensuring that anyone, regardless of their background, can participate and thrive in the tech industry.

Scale Partnerships

Collaborate with schools, community organizations, and tech companies to scale the reach and effectiveness of our programs and ensure sustainability in the long term.

Building Blocks of Tech School

World Class instructors & curriculum
Mentors across the tech sector
Hackathon: End of program
Training teachers to be experts, and teach the students
Immersive Tech company tours
Cutting-edge technologies

Impact Measurement

Student performance and skill development through pre-and post-program evaluations.
Student participation and engagement in program activities.
Monitor long-term outcomes such as academic achievement, career pathways, and community involvement.


Monday Tech School aims to reach:






We plan to do this within an ecosystem of tech companies, schools, and community organizations.

Partnership Opportunities

monday Tech School invites schools, community organizations and companies to join us in our mission to empower underserved youth through technology education. Here are ways you can partner:

Corporate Sponsorship

Demonstrate your commitment to education equity by sponsoring our programs.

️In-kind Support

Donate technology equipment, software licenses, or other resources to enhance the learning experience for students.

Employee Engagement

Encourage your employees to volunteer as mentors, guest speakers, or workshop facilitators.

Contact us